27.07.2023 . Santé services
Wou deet and wei? - S02E11: Thoracic surgery (Podcast)
27.07.2023 . Santé services

Wou deet and wei? - S02E11: Thoracic surgery (Podcast)

Discover the eleventh and final podcast in our series “Wou deet et wéi? series, a campaign highlighting progress in medicine and clinical practice over time, produced in collaboration with RTL Lëtzebuerg and the Hôpitaux Robert Schuman.

In this episode, Pr Claude Braun (Medical Director of the HRS), Dr Georges Decker (Thoracic Surgeon) and Prof. Gilbert Massard (Thoracic Surgeon / Professor at the University of Luxembourg) introduce us to the speciality of thoracic surgery, with Camille Ney from RTL Luxembourg.

Listen to the podcast